Source code for portfolio

import yaml
from os.path import join

import rospy
from control_msgs.msg import FollowJointTrajectoryGoal
from trajectory_msgs.msg import JointTrajectoryPoint

[docs]class Pose(): """A `Pose` groups together the joints and the positions needed to produce a specific robot pose. """ def __init__(self): #: str: Pose name = '' #: list of str: Joints used by the `Pose`. If the source XACRO did not #: use ``joints=`` the `Pose` will inherit by default all the joints #: defined in the portfolio self.joints = [] #: list of float: Positions for each of the joints associated with #: this `Pose`. Each position matches the order of joints and is expressed #: in the unit of measures defined by the portfolio. self.positions = []
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml(cls, xml_elem, portfolio): """Initializes the `Pose` from an XML element tree structure. Parameters ---------- xml_elem : xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree The XML element tree that contains the structure of the `Pose` portfolio : :obj:`Portfolio` The top `Portfolio` object that ownes this `Pose` Returns ------- :obj:`Pose` The initiazed `Pose` object. Raises ------ ValueError If values included in the XML are incorrect. More details are provided in the exception text. AssertError If certain attributes are not included in the XML. More details are provided in the exception text. """ pose = Pose() err = f'>>> Portfolio {} ' assert xml_elem.tag == 'pose', err + 'only <pose> tags should be used in <poses>' assert 'name' in xml_elem.attrib, err + '"name" attribute expected in <pose> definition' = xml_elem.attrib['name'] err = err + f'scene {} ' assert 'positions' in xml_elem.attrib, err + '"positions" attribute expected' positions = xml_elem.attrib['positions'] assert isinstance(positions, str), err + '"positions" should be a string of positions' positions = positions.split() try: pose.positions = [float(pos) for pos in positions] except: raise ValueError(err + 'failed to convert positions to floats') from None if 'joints' in xml_elem.attrib: assert isinstance(xml_elem.attrib['joints'], str), err + '"joints" should be a string of joint names' pose.joints = xml_elem.attrib['joints'].split() else: pose.joints = portfolio.joints assert len(pose.joints) == len(pose.positions), err + 'list of "joints" has different length than "positions"' return pose
[docs]class Scene(): def __init__(self): = '' self.poses = [] self.durations = []
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml(cls, xml_elem, portfolio): scene = Scene() err = f'>>> Portfolio {} ' assert xml_elem.tag == 'scene', err + 'only <scene> tags should be used in <scenes>' assert 'name' in xml_elem.attrib, err + '"name" attribute expected in <scene> definition' = xml_elem.attrib['name'] for pose in list(xml_elem): err = err + f'scene {} ' assert pose.tag == 'pose', err + 'only <pose> tags should be used in <scene>' assert 'name' in pose.attrib, err + '"name" for pose missing' p_name = pose.attrib['name'] assert p_name in portfolio.poses, err + f'pose {p_name} unknown' scene.poses.append(p_name) if 'duration' in pose.attrib: try: scene.durations.append(float(pose.attrib['duration'])) except: raise ValueError(err + 'failed to convert duration to float') from None else: if portfolio.duration: scene.durations.append(portfolio.duration) else: raise ValueError(err + 'no duration specified') return scene
[docs]class Script(): def __init__(self): = '' self.scenes = [] self.inverse = [] self.repeat = []
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml(cls, xml_elem, portfolio): script = Script() err = f'>>> Portfolio {} ' assert xml_elem.tag == 'script', err + 'only <script> tags should be used in <scripts>' assert 'name' in xml_elem.attrib, err + '"name" attribute expected in <script> definition' = xml_elem.attrib['name'] for scene in list(xml_elem): err = err + f'script {} ' assert scene.tag == 'scene', err + 'only <scene> tags should be used in <script>' assert 'name' in scene.attrib, err + '"name" for scene missing' s_name = scene.attrib['name'] assert s_name in portfolio.scenes, err + f'scene {s_name} unknown' script.scenes.append(s_name) if 'inverse' in scene.attrib: if scene.attrib['inverse'] in ['False', 'false']: script.inverse.append(False) elif scene.attrib['inverse'] in ['True', 'true']: script.inverse.append(True) else: raise ValueError(err + '"inverse" cannot be parse') else: script.inverse.append(False) if 'repeat' in scene.attrib: try: script.repeat.append(int(scene.attrib['repeat'])) except: raise ValueError(err + '"repeat" should be an "int"') from None else: script.repeat.append(1) return script
[docs]class Portfolio(): """A portfolio of scripts. A Portfolio is a collection of scripts that can share certain elements like scenes and poses. A portfolio is composed of the following elements: """ def __init__(self): #: the name of the Portfolio = 'dummy' #: Unit of measurements for positions angles. Only ``rad`` and ``deg`` #: allowed and by default it will be ``rad`` if no attribute is #: specified in the souce XACRO. #: :type str self.units = 'rad' #: The default list of joints to be used across the scripts in this #: portfolio. The order of joints is important as all the ``positions`` #: sppecifications will assume the same order. A portfolio can use #: a subset of all the joints of the robot and only the joints #: specified here will be passed when constructing the communcation #: messages with the robots' controllers. #: :type list(str) self.joints = [] #: The default duration (in seconds) for poses in scenes. If scenes #: do not specify a ``duration=`` attribute, they will inherit #: automatically this duration from the portfolio. #: :type float self.duration = None #: A dictionary of Pose() defined in this portfolio. #: type dict{name: Pose} self.poses = {} #: A dictionary of Scene() defined in this portfolio. #: type dict{name: Scene} self.scenes = {} #: A dictionary of Script() defined in this portfolio. #: type dict{name: Script} self.scripts = {}
[docs] @classmethod def from_xml(cls, xml_elem): """Constructs a ``Portfolio`` object by reading an XML defintion and parsing it. Parameters ---------- xml_elem : xml.etree.ElementTree.ElementTree The XML element with the structure of the portfolio. Raises ------ ValueError: If the data is incorrect. Additional details are provided in the exception text. AssertionError: If attributes are missing or missmatched with the expected ones. """ portfolio = Portfolio() assert 'name' in xml_elem.attrib, '>>> Missing "name" attribute in portfolio defintion' = xml_elem.attrib['name'] portfolio.units = xml_elem.attrib.get('units', 'rad') # check units assert portfolio.units in ['rad', 'deg'], f'>>> Portfolio file {} units should be "rad" or "deg" only' if 'joints' in xml_elem.attrib: if isinstance(xml_elem.attrib['joints'], str): portfolio.joints = xml_elem.attrib['joints'].split() else: raise ValueError(f'>>> Portfolio {} "joints" should be a string of joint names') if 'duration' in xml_elem.attrib: try: portfolio.duration = float(xml_elem.attrib['duration']) except: raise ValueError(f'>>> Portfolio {} default duration should be "int" or "float"') from None for child in xml_elem: if child.tag == 'poses': for pose_xml in child: pose = Pose.from_xml(pose_xml, portfolio) portfolio.poses[] = pose if child.tag == 'scenes': for scene_xml in child: scene = Scene.from_xml(scene_xml, portfolio) portfolio.scenes[] = scene if child.tag == 'scripts': for script_xml in child: script = Script.from_xml(script_xml, portfolio) portfolio.scripts[] = script return portfolio
[docs] def get_script_names(self): return list(self.scripts.keys())
[docs] def to_joint_trajectory_goal(self, script_name, speed): if not script_name in self.scripts: return None running_duration = 0 pos = {} if speed <= 0.0: speed = 1.0 goal = FollowJointTrajectoryGoal() goal.trajectory.joint_names = self.joints for joint in self.joints: pos[joint] = 0.0 if self.units == 'deg': factor = 57.295779513 else: factor = 1.0 script = self.scripts[script_name] for scene_name, inverse, repeat in zip(script.scenes, script.inverse, script.repeat): # TODO handle inverse for _ in range(repeat): scene = self.scenes[scene_name] for pose_name, duration in zip(scene.poses, scene.durations): duration = duration / speed pose = self.poses[pose_name] for joint, position in zip(pose.joints, pose.positions): pos[joint] = position point = JointTrajectoryPoint() point.positions = [pos[joint] / factor for joint in self.joints] point.time_from_start = rospy.Duration.from_sec(running_duration + duration) goal.trajectory.points.append(point) running_duration = running_duration + duration return goal